The Geological Survey of Tanzania (GST) wishes to remind all Mineral Right Holders to submit exploration, research and mining data/information to GST. This is according to Section 27F (3) and (4) of the Mining Act No. 14 of 2010 as amended by “The Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act No. 7, 2017ʺ. The section requires as follows:-
27F.-(3) The mineral right holder shall submit to the Geological Survey of Tanzania the following accurate mineral data:
geological maps and plans;
geophysical and geochemical raw data;
processed and interpreted data or maps;
technical reports;
core samples and its mineral exploration database; and
any other information as may be required.
(4)The mineral right holder shall give copies of data generated under subsections (2) and (3) to the Geological Survey of Tanzania free of charge.
In this regard, all Mineral Right Holders are required to submit the data and information to the Geological Survey of Tanzania on quarterly basis from October 2017.
Issued on 10th January 2018 by:
Chief Executive Officer,
Geological Survey of Tanzania,
Kikuyu Avenue, Building Nu.8
P.O. Box 903, DODOMA,
Tel: +255 26 2323020/0754497533
Fax: +255 26 2323020
Email: madini.do@gst.go.tz
Website: http:www.gst.go.tz
Portal: http://ift.tt/1CMsOSD
Hivyo makala PUBLIC NOTICE
yaani makala yote PUBLIC NOTICE Wakati huu, pengine unaweza kutoa faida na wewe wote. Sawa, kuona katika post nyingine makala.
Wewe ni sasa kusoma makala PUBLIC NOTICE mahali kiungo https://somalatest.blogspot.com/2018/01/public-notice.html
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