title : A Letter to Comrade Martin Thembisile (Chris) Hani
link : A Letter to Comrade Martin Thembisile (Chris) Hani
A Letter to Comrade Martin Thembisile (Chris) Hani
Comrade Chris,
To an ordinary mortal it would seem odd that I should communicate with you, us being worlds apart. To a Christian, such as I am, and to you, born a Catholic, being a committed member of the South African Communist Party (SACP), notwithstanding, the belief in and notion of life in the world after comes naturally.
Furthermore, very African as both of us are, we firmly believe in the presence in our midst, of the souls of the departed, residing in, among other places, the hills and mountains, the valleys, the pristine forests and woods, and in our homes, among other beauties mother nature has endowed mother Africa. I therefore have no hesitation whatsoever in undertaking this mission of communicating with you Comrade Hani, coming as it does, on the 25th anniversary of your departure.
The chilly southern hemispherical autumn Easter Saturday of 10th of April, 1993, was the longest day in the final struggle for the freedom of South Africa, and for the emancipation of the black person in Africa and the world over.
For as you lay in blood, murdered by the fatal shots fired by one infamous polish immigrant by the name of Janusz Walus, momentarily South Africa came to a standstill, the calmness before the impending storm, as the rest of Africa tuned in to SABC, BBC, VOA, local channels, grapevines, or whatever means, hoping, against hope, that it would be, what we now refer to as fake news. Sadly, you had departed, and the final struggle for South Africa would never be the same without your presence. Janusz, as it turned out, was not acting alone.
It was not an act of a madman, mad as the act was. For, an accomplice, a hard core racist by the name of Clive Derby-Lewis, would be apprehended in no time. As you are aware by now Clive was in the National Party and later on a Member of Parliament from the Conservative Party. Both Janusz and Clive would, after a charged trial, be sentenced to rendezvous with a hangman, an appointment they did not keep, luck having been on their part due to the scrapping of the death penalty by the then new era, with sentences being commuted to life imprisonment. Paroled due to ill health, the unrepentant Derby-Lewis would subsequently pass on, on 3 November 2016.
Interviewed a few days before his encounter with death Clive stressed that you were “a hardcore communist determined at all costs to lay the country to waste…” Even as he approached his death-bed he was of the belief that you were radical, uncontrollable, and enemy number one of the white people. As for Janusz, the unrepentant murderer had the audacity to request for parole. Successful first, the parole was later overturned by the Supreme Court. His South African citizenship has been revoked and an order has been made for him to be deported back to his native Poland upon serving the reminder of his sentence.
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