

TIME TO RE-THINK TEACHER EDUCATION - Hallo rafiki SOMA LATEST, Katika makala kusoma wakati huu na kichwa TIME TO RE-THINK TEACHER EDUCATION, tumeandaa vizuri kwa makala hii kusoma na kupakua maelezo humo. pengine kujaza posts makala afya, makala general, makala kisiasa, makala kitamaduni, makala kiuchumi, makala mambo mapya, makala michezo, sisi kuandika anaweza kuelewa. Naam, furaha ya kusoma.


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KAMPALA, OCTOBER 23RD 2017 The Aga Khan University (AKU), Institute for Educational Development in East Africa (IED, EA) has today began its second annual Education Conference under the theme: “Re-thinking Teacher Education”. The conference was officially opened by the State Minister for Higher Education in the Ugandan Cabinet, Hon. John Chrysestom Muyingo and will be running from today 23rd- 25th October 2017 at the Hotel Africana in Kampala.

Hon. John Muyingo applauded AKU’s commitment to the formation of strong and strategic leadership in the education and health sectors in Uganda. The State Minister said that it is important to make teacher education more attractive. “According to Uganda Vision 2014, presently guiding national policy document, Uganda has made tremendous progress in improving literacy levels of the citizenry. Literacy rate for persons aged ten years and above in the country is quoted to have increased from 69% in 2006 to 73% in 2010 and I would like to congratulate the government, development partners and all education stakeholders in Uganda for this great achievement”, he said.
From Left to Right: Mr. Amin Mawji- Country Representatitve for AKDN, State Minister for Higher Education in the Ugandan Cabinet John Chrysestom Muyingo, Vice Provost AKU- Kweku Bentil, Dr. Jane Egau Okou is the Commissioner for Teacher Instructor Education and Training in the Ministry of Education and Sports Uganda,Professor Joe Lugalla- Director IED-EA, Dr Marriote Ngwaru- Head of Research AKU-IED, Akim Okuni- Country Director Aga Khan Foundation, Bernard- Orimbo- Orimbo Project Director, SESEA Project Coordination Unit-AKF EA.

Hon. John Muyingo further said that “while Uganda has made some progress in terms of enrolment in the last two decades, these achievements have been overshadowed by a persistent decline in educational standards, particularly in public schools at both primary and post primary levels”. Independent studies notably by Uwezo (2010, 2012 and 2015) have consistently recognized the declining quality of education in Uganda. 

“I am very aware that government efforts alone are not enough to improve, innovate and change on teacher education in our country. The efforts on non-government actors are highly appreciated and recommended. I would like to take this opportunity to urge you to increase your efforts in working with the government to improve our education system”, he said.

Professor Joe Lugalla who is the Director IED, EA also said that as an Institution that is driven to produce impactful and quality interventions in education, IED, EA and ultimately AKU would immensely benefit from collaborative partnerships in matters relating to governance, security, religion and education.
State Minister for Higher Education in the Ugandan Cabinet discsusses the need to make the profession of teaching more attractive.

 “Delivering education is a universal principle requiring universal involvement and collaborations, and I strongly believe that we need to work together not only in formulating ideas on how to re-think teacher education in Uganda and East Africa as a whole, but in implementing them as well”, said Professor Lugalla.

The conference has been inspired by the need to interrogate the systems, policies, structures and reforms to drive sustainable teacher education for development of the East African community.

IED, EA’s work is embedded in informed inquiry to demonstrate effectiveness of pedagogies and professional practices in the delivery and promotion of educational services in East Africa. Working closely with education ministries of Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, IED, EA aligns its activities with the respective national governments’ visions and development plans.
Dr. Jane Egau Okou is the Commissioner for Teacher Instructor Education and Training in the Ministry of Education and Sports Uganda discusses the State of Teacher Education in Uganda.

IED, EA seeks to improve the quality of education in East Africa by enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of educational institutions; it does this through human resource development, institutional capacity building, outreach activities, research and dissemination, as well as policy analysis and advocacy. The provision of quality education in Uganda is crucial for the country to achieve the socio-economic development goals stipulated in Vision 2025 and achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

In 2005, IED, EA began by offering Professional Development Courses. In 2007 IED EA began offering a Master of Education degree. The aim of IED-EA is to improve the quality of education in East African Countries. Since its establishment, IED, EA has so far trained 372 East African teachers through its Master of Education Degree Program of which 87 are from Uganda, 168 from Kenya, 100 from Tanzania, 12 from Zanzibar and 5 are from Brazil, Rwanda and Burundi.
IED-EA Teacher Education Conference 2017, “Re-thinking Teacher Educaiton” in Kampala Uganda.

These teachers have been trained in a variety of specialist pathways namely: Teacher Education, Educational Leadership and Management, Science in Education; Mathematics in Education; Language and Literacy, Early Childhood Education and Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation.

These graduates are currently working in different parts of East Africa and Africa at large as Education Directors, School principals, Primary and Secondary School Head Teachers/Masters and Deputy Head Teachers/Masters, Early years trainers, Principals of Teacher Training Colleges, Tutors and Education officers.


yaani makala yote TIME TO RE-THINK TEACHER EDUCATION Wakati huu, pengine unaweza kutoa faida na wewe wote. Sawa, kuona katika post nyingine makala.

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